Alcohol Blackouts Video (JAG Version)

Video Info

Welcome to the “Doc-in-a-Box” seminar series. This particular training on Alcohol Blackouts / Amnesia is directed primarily towards military JAGs and support staff. But state and federal attorneys and staff can also benefit as well. 

The video is 1.5 hours long and covers the potential general impact of alcohol on eyewitness testimony (non-blackout), specific research findings related to the blackout phenomenon, and strategies for government and defense to consider. Contact Dr. Simpson ( or your command for how you might be able to qualify for 1.5 hours of CLE. 

  • It does not appear to be a system-wide block (some Air Force and Marine JAGs can log in right away, while others tell me they can’t.). 
  • Try typing in different names for my website (,,, or All of these connect to the exact same website. 
  • Some folks have had success by typing in – (instead of “”). 
  • Talk with IT about the settings applicable to your specific device and the individual military instillation network to which your computer is attached. These might need to be adjusted locally.
  • A few years ago a solution was to run “vESD” on your military computer and input the problem for “Web/Network”, followed by “specific website”. I have no idea what that last sentence means. But it used to do the trick. 
  • View the material on your personal computer. 
  • You can reach the site on your personal cellphone, but you need to disconnect the military WIFI/internet connection first. It’s a lot of material to try and view on a tiny screen.