
Lawrence Cronin, M.D., (520) 751-8500
Specialties: ADD/ADHD, mood and thought disorders. Multilingual in English, Spanish, German and French.

Carrie Freedheim, M.D., (520) 325-6633
Specialties: Child and adolescent psychiatry, adult, complex medical diagnoses, complicated medical regimes, and depression. Extensive experience working with children and adolescents, including working with state agencies concerning child abuse and neglect. Dr. Freedheim served as the medical director for Seattle Children’s Home and was on the clinical faculty of the University of Washington’s Department of Child Psychiatry before coming to Tucson.

James Gray, M.D., (520) 742-9166
Specialties: Adult and geriatric, medication management. Dr. Gray has served as chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the Tucson Medical Center and Palo Verde Hospital.

Bradley Johnson, M.D., (520) 297-9878

Specialties: Forensics, adults, adolescents, and children. Since 1999 Dr. Johnson has been the Chief of Psychiatry at the Arizona Community Protection and Treatment Center at the Arizona State Hospital in Phoenix. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Univestiy of Arizona, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Johnson has a stellar reputation as a forensic psychiatrist.

Steven Korn, M.D., (520) 742-9166
Specialties: Child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, ADD/ADHD, and child/adolescent mood disorders. Dr. Korn has served as medical director at three adolescent hospitals and residential treatment programs.

Alfredo Ramirez, M.D., (520) 663-0688
Specialties: Child, adolescent, and family therapy. Dr. Ramirez was a military physician. He is bilingual in English and Spanish.

Marla Rechart, M.D., (520) 751-8500
Specialties: ADD/ADHD, mood and thought disorders. Bilingual in English and Spanish,

Stephen Streitfeld, M.D., (520) 296-7766
Specialties: Forensics, Adults, adolescents, and children, ADD/ADHD, mood and thought disorders. Multilingual in English and Spanish,

Dennis Westin, M.D., (520) 975-0309
Specialties: ADD/ADHD, mood and thought disorders. Awarded the “Patients’ Choice Award” in 2014. He is bilingual in English and Spanish.