Bradley Johnson, M.D.
(520) 297-9878
6812 N. Oradle Rd., Unit 114
Tucson AZ 85704
Chief of Psychiatry
Arizona Community Protection and Treatment Center (Arizona State Hospital)
Barry Morenz, M.D.
(520) 626-6325
Joseph R. Richards, M.D.
24 years in the Air Force
Retired as a Colonel
Was the Chief of Medical Staff 59th Medical Staff – Joint Base San Antonio.
Effects of alcohol on memory and behavior.
Sexual assault cases, victim impact, sexual behavior while a person is intoxicated
Concomitant mental health issues related to MRE 513.
Effects of drugs (i.e., cannabis, cocaine) on behavior and thinking.
Competency to stand trial and sanity board evals.
Education on psychiatric diagnoses or psychotropic medications
PTSD and personality disorders.