Competence Assessment for Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR)

The Basics: The CAST-MR was designed specifically to test the competency of individuals already diagnosed as mentally retarded to assist in their legal defense.  The CAST-MR consists of 50 questions in three sections.  The first section contains 25 written multiple choice questions that test defendants’ understanding of basic legal terms.  The second section contains 15 written multiple choice questions designed to test defendants’ ability to assist in their own defense.  Both the first and second sections require roughly a 4th grade reading level.  The last section consists of 10 open ended questions regarding the defendant’s specific case asked orally by the examiner.  The test manual provides the test administrator with scoring guidelines for each question asked (0, 1/2 point, or 1 point).  Typically, the test takes between 30-45 minutes to administer.

Strengths and Weaknesses: While there is limited peer reviewed research on the CAST-MR, the research that does exist suggests that it has high validity.  In addition, because the test is specifically designed for those who have already been diagnosed as mentally retarded, the test is able to provide an analysis into the minds of defendants that most other tests are not designed to reach.

Critical Issues: While the CAST-MR is designed to test a population that has already been diagnosed as mentally retarded, it still requires a 4th grade reading level which could present a problem if the defendant taking it falls below that level.

Sample Questions: What does a judge do? (a) defends you, (b) decides on the case, or (c) works for your attorney.  What if the police ask you to sign something and you don’t understand.  What should you do? (a) refuse to talk to them, (b)sign it anyway, or (c) ask to see your lawyer.  (text from