Articles You Should Have​

Child Forensic Interviewing: Best Practices

The US Dept of Justice’s standards of care for forensic chid interviews.

COUNTERING Counterintuitive Testimony (Child, handout)

Handout for a three-hour CLE provided to the State Bar of Arizona

Do Sexual Offenders Molest When Other Persons Are Present? A Preliminary Investigation

A poorly done preliminary study that the authors admit is not valid. Yet their study has been used by CSA experts for years (while ignoring the much better study by Leclerc 2015).

Extended Forensic Evaluation When Sexual Abuse Is Suspected: A Multisite Field Study

This is a must-have article that identifies the unfounded and false rates of CSA allegations (68%)

False Sexual-Abuse Allegations by Children and Adolescents: Contextual Factors and Clinical Subtypes. Mikkelsen

An important early articles on types and motivations for false sexual-abuse allegations.

Gender Differences in Children’s Disclosures and Legal Narratives of Sexual Abuse

Dr. Dutton’s dissertation

Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Empirical Studies

An important early article on CSA effects.

Parent-Child Conversations, Principe and London, 2022

Recent research regarding the impact of parental discussions on child prior to the forensic child interview.

Prevention Nearby: The Influence of the Presence of a Potential Guardian on the Severity of Child Sexual Abuse

This article is a must-have for refuting Dr. Dutton’s testimony that perpetrators often assault while another child is in the room.