Alcohol Blackouts / Amnesia

AAA. Introduction to Alcohol Blackout

Exploring research findings regarding alcohol blackout as relates to claims of sexual assault.

Alcohol Blackout CLE (May 2023)

CLE training handout from May 2023. Ongoing evolution from multiple trainings since 2016.

Blackout vs. Pass Out

The important distinctions between “blackout” versus “pass out”.

Blood Alcohol Concentration and Blackout

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) relationship to blackout.

Causes of Blackout

Known factors that contribute to blackout events.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (part 1)

Over-the-counter, prescribed medications and recreational drugs that potentiate alcohol.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (Part 2 – National Institute of Health)

An important publication from the National Institute of Health on over-the-counter and prescribed medications that potentiate alcohol.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (Part 3 – Marijuana)

Marijuana’s reciprocal potentiation of alcohol’s effects.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (Part 4 – Rohypnol)

Rohypnol’s (flunitrazepam, the “date-rape drug”) potentiation with alcohol.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (Part 5 – Flexeril, Amrix)

Flexarill’s (Amrix, cyclobenzaprine) potentiating effects with alcohol.

Drugs that Potentiate Alcohol (Part 6: Date Rape Drugs)

“Date Rape” drugs and alcohol.

Fragmentary and En Bloc Blackouts

Understanding the important distinctions between fragmentary versus en bloc blackout amnesia events.

Future Memory Compromise from Alcohol Blackouts

Blackouts’ detrimental effects on future memory.

Gender and Alcohol Blackout / Amnesia

Research findings regarding gender and alcohol effects and blackout.

Genetics and Blackout

Research on genetic predisposition to alcohol blackouts/amnesia.

Hippocampus and Blackout

The hippocampus’ critical role in alcohol blackout / amnesia.

History Predicts the Future

A history of blackout events predicts future blackouts.

Unknown Blackout

Can a person experience fragmentary blackout and not know it the next morning?

Waking Up During Blackout

An important and elusive question.

When are Alcohol Blackouts / Amnesia most likely to occur?

What research tells us about ascending, plateau, and descending limb.

Widmark Calculator

A common (and problematic) behavioral measure of degree of intoxication.

Youth and Alcohol Blackout / Amnesia

The dangerous intersection of youth and alcohol blackout / amnesia.